Curriculum & Schedule

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(Learn to play)


Understanding the game, basic strategies and concepts in a fun way.

Develop confidence to play matches. 

Schedule: Weekly 2 sessions of 45 mins duration each

Free: Guided practise sessions, brain-teasers and Sunday tournaments every week

(Play like a Pro)


Develop confidence to play competitive chess tournaments 

Road to International Chess Federation (FIDE) rating

Schedule: Weekly 2 sessions of 45 mins duration each

Free: Guided practise sessions and USCF rated tournaments every week

(Top Performance)


Improve performance in FIDE rated tournaments 

Nuances of chess 

Schedule: Weekly 2 sessions of 45 mins duration each

Free: Guided practise sessions and USCF rated tournaments every week

Want to learn chess?

Let’s dive in and have fun mastering the game!