About Us

"Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles." - Garry Kasparov

With a vision to promote chess in every corner of the society Northeast Chess India is helping young chess enthusiasts in achieving their goals with constant support with their learning & playing approach as well as organizing various chess tournaments across the city. We also promote various chess tournaments that helps in making chess a game to be recongnized and loved by all.

OUR Services

We Are Specialized in the
Following Services

Solutions Technical Chess Problems

Solutions Technical Chess Problems offers a refined approach to honing chess skills.

Chess In School

Chess in School integrates the ancient game of strategy into the modern classroom.

One-To-One Coaching

Chess One-to-One Coaching helps to elevate your game with personalized guidance.

Group Coaching

Fosters a dynamic learning environment that enhance skills, deepen understanding together

Chess Tournaments

Chess Tournaments epitomize competitive play by gathering enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds.

We Promote Tournaments

We're dedicated to elevating chess events through strategic promotion.

Our Services

Find the best service as per your requirement!

Solutions Technical Chess Problems

Chess In School

One To One Coaching

Group Coaching

Chess Tournaments

We Promote Tournaments

Want to learn chess?

Let’s dive in and have fun mastering the game!